Monday, September 19, 2016

Warm weather is full of potential

The fact that spring is here means a few things. Spring means that the coldness of winter has passed us by yet again. Spring means that the school year is winding down and that children will be free again soon. Spring also means that the wonderful season of summer is on it's way soon. I love spring because it means that warm weather, the best kind of weather, is about to arrive.

Warm weather is full of potential. It is obvious to me that warm weather is the best kind of weather because it allows people to do so many things and to enjoy so many things. Perhaps my favorite thing about warm weather is that I can be outside comfortably for hours on end. I'm kind of an outdoors loving guy, so the cold winter months are really hard for me to get through each year. I love summer days when you can be outside from early morning until late evening and never feel a chill. The warm sun beating down on your face and your body is perhaps my favorite feeling in the world.

Warm weather is great because it allows people to easily be more active and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. In the winter all people want to do is cuddle up in front of a fire, read a good book and sip a hot drink. On warm days many people toss the books aside and enjoy hour after hour of activity. Kids love to run and play with their neighbors, adults love to garden and work outside of their homes. The potential for healthier living that warm weather brings is amazing. It makes me wish we had warm weather every day of the year.

So many of my personal favorite ways to spend time can only be done comfortable in warm weather. Camping, for example, is much better in warm weather. I love nothing more than to pack up my large backpack and take off for the woods for a few days with my sons. We love to fish and hike all day and then sit by a fire and talk at night. Many of my best memories with my sons have been made because of the benefits of warn summer weather. I have also enjoyed watching each of my children play baseball during the warm summer months. I love spending my evenings at the ball fields encouraging my children's love for the game.

You see, there are endless reasons to love warm weather. I have shared some of mine with you. Now, as summer approaches, it is up to you to enjoy the warm weather in whatever ways you like the best.

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