Thursday, September 22, 2016

Discover little known secrets for successful living

Being lucky in life is the result of putting yourself into action for good luck to happen to you. You've probably heard the statement "The harder I work the luckier I get". Another way of putting it is "Whatever you are ready for is ready for you."

Are you satisfied with your life, the job you have, or the amount of money you're making? Or are you not satisfied with the feeling that life is somehow passing you by? Chances are one of these reasons fits you because most people aren't satisfied with their lives, and usually one of those reasons is the cause.

Success is not a spectator sport, something that just happens before your eyes. It's an experience, a game that must be played to be enjoyed fully. You need to get involved with life. You'll need to get more involved with your family, friends, people you see every day. Because in that involvement, you'll find you have everything you need to succeed.

You have within you, right now, at this very moment, all that is necessary for you to become the happy, successful person you've always wanted to be. All you need to do is unlock the riches that have been locked away with-in you.

Are you ready for a more abundant and happier life? If you are, then you'll need to know how to put yourself into action to achieve it.

Consider these discoveries for successful living:

• Convert your hopes and dreams into physical reality. Train your inner vision to transcend outer world stimulation, and become a true master of your fate. An example of this is the experience of being immersed in a dream while sleeping and being certain that the dream is real. This apparent reality is brought on by the fact that the mind doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's imagined. Thus this emphasizes the power belief has over the believer. "What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

• Expect increased achievement and assured success. Unlock yourself from limitations of your own making due to impressions received from family, friends and associates. Break free to create new self-images formed from your own reasoned conviction. Don't fall into the trap of unreasoned convictions about yourself; belief in something about you that is not true is destructive. Remember the power belief has over the believer.

• Become a good friend to yourself, and stop trying to be perfect. Most children were brought up to do things the right way and it seemed that the natural way was always the wrong way. You were either right or wrong… there wasn't any in-between, and you started out wrong and had to learn to be right. Right was perfect, wrong was not, and as a result, you were trained to be perfect all the time.

You probably know that you can't be perfect, but you may have this deep down feeling that you ought to be. So you're not perfect, well welcome to the human race. Take a good look at yourself as you really are, you have a lot of good qualities, including some that other people haven't even seen yet. In fact, when you're honest with yourself, your good qualities outnumber and outweigh your shortcomings, don't they?

Visualize your future in dimensions of color, sound, and pulsating life. The objective here is to train your subconscious to obey you. In this way it will be possible for you to become free from frustration, failure, and even disease. That's when you will begin to stop letting things happen to you and instead start making things happen for you. As you set out on the journey into your future, I wish you joy, and success beyond your hope and dreams, but above all, I wish you love.

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